Southern New Hampshire Rescue Mission
Helping the hurting and homeless in Jesus’ NameBREAKFAST: MON-FRI 7AM, SAT-SUN 8AM
Lunch: Mon, Wed-Fri 12PM
Dinner: Sat-Sun 5pm

By God’s Grace,
we are now serving
homeless women!

Our Mission: We exist to share the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as provide emergency shelter, food, and clothing to the poor and needy in obedience to Him.
Our Vision: Hope and Help to the hurting and homeless in Jesus’ Name.
Our Values
- Christ-centered
- Servant Heart
- Love and Respect for All
Emergency Shelter – Up to 60 consecutive nights of warm shelter.
R12 LifeChange Program – a 12 month commitment to learn Biblical principles for recovering and reconciling relationships with God, self, and others.
Transitional Work Program – learn Biblical principles for finance while saving money toward permanent housing and job stability.
Message and a Meal – Daily meals provided with a Gospel centered message and prayer.
Community Gift Center – Bi-weekly appointments for providing groceries and clothing to anyone in the community.
Community Shower – Weekly opportunity for men in the community to get a warm shower.`
Pray – Join us in seeking God’s favor, and wisdom to provide the hope of the Gospel and help in meeting daily needs for those hurting and homeless in our community.
Donate – Become part of a committed community of cheerful financial givers who have a heart that matches God’s heart for helping the poor and needy. Provide new, gently used, clean clothing, or other goods to encourage those in need.
Volunteer – Become part of a faithful community offering your time and talent to meet the needs of those guests who seek the hope and help provided by the Rescue Mission.

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